My book cover, but what’s inside!

My book cover, but what’s inside! To be, or not to be - the book cover is Snails around France, but the contents … well, the pictures speak for themselves! A Facebook follower ordered a copy of my book from Amazon and when it arrived they discovered that inside the cover was a totally different nook from a different author. They returned the book to Amazon and instead ordered a copy from WHSmith to be collected from their local retailer. Unbelievably when they went to collect it they found it had the same error! Has anyone else come across this? The book ‘inside’ was ‘Six miles from home” by Stephen Morrin. I am hoping the publishers can work out what has happened quickly and that it has been limited. If you have had to return a book like this, please order another! #amazonbookstore #austinmacauleypublishers #bookerrors #sixmilesfromhome #stephenmorrin #WHSmith

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