Snails around France routes and photos

You will come across ‘SaF’ which is just short for Snail around France.

As we travelled around France on our tandem I did a daily Facebook post to show the route we had taken, photos of some things we had seen and brief descriptions of locations or events. These can be found at:

The Facebook screen print explains how to find specific posts. If you are reading the book and are on day 1 you could just type saf day 1 in the search and it will take you there. If you want to find a particular place just type that in, for example Mont Saint Michel and you’ll find the pictures of the Island.

You can just scroll through the page but the facebook page is regularly added to with other trips we have done as well as other tours we have planned.

The page is also very interactive and has become a place where people comment on, and contribute their thoughts about places to visit and cycle. You are welcome to comment on the posts - I will always respond IF I get a notification letting me know that you have commented (it is not always reliable).

As I write there are about 1,000 followers- please do follow and you should then get information about new posts.

John Bosley

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